Entry #20 - Google Notebook is a dream come true…
Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 I spent a few minutes installing the Google Notebook extension a few weeks ago and didn’t get too excited. It was nice to be able to type notes into a mini text box sort of as a web-based to-do list or log of library citations.
But then I discovered that YOU DON’T HAVE TO TYPE OR COPY AND PASTE!!!
Just highlight, right-click and bam! The text is saved along with the URL!!! Click on the thumbnail for a screen shot of the simple process. This is an extremely fine life enhancement for any scholarship activities you conduct on the web.
Google Notebook for InternetExplorer
Information on all the other things you can do with Google Notebook can be found here.
I also use an extension that places Google Notebook as a widget on my personalized Google Homepage, but that is only available if you set up a Gmail account.